Thursday, August 16, 2007

Freetards, this is outrageous

Looks like we have another entry in our nerd sex series, again courtesy of his FakeSteveness -- although I have to say the level of cleverness seems in decline. I might not even have posted this one, except that the Juice likes this Ubuntu stuff and couldn't bring himself to comment on either of the previous posts, owing to his being "too tired and worn out." Not sure if his viewing of the previous entry contributed to that state. Nonetheless, the featured woman has clearly been quite well exploited.

Honestly. What is it with you Linux guys that you have to keep objectifying women in order to promote your operating system? First we had Novell exploiting women and now Ubuntu is jumping aboard the shame train too.


1 comment:

  1. If keeps posting this kind of content, I'm going to have to bookmark it for my daily porn regiment.
