Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Say Everything
As younger people reveal their private lives on the Internet, the older generation looks on with alarm and misapprehension not seen since the early days of rock and roll. The future belongs to the uninhibited.Considering what's stored in Top 10 Largest Databases in the World, this article means something. Death to privacy. Long live privacy.
The SEM Blogs You Must Read
I have a huge list of blogs I read daily, about 60-70 in total. Comes with the job, I guess. So today I decided to share some of the best ones with you (ours is a given).Dork.
Cultivating a Blog Community in 10 Steps - Part 1
Getting into the competitive realm of the blogosphere is not a decision to be taken lightly. There are many things that you need to consider before jumping into this market if you plan on being successful.Would you say, "Top 10 Steps"?
Top 10 Largest Databases in the World
From the comments:
It's like John Dvorak says - any top 10 list (or top whatever) is typically a bunch of popular jaw-dropping names thrown together during a lunch meeting.
Top 5 Viruses in Movie History
There's a lot more to it than simply typing "Upload Virus" into your fake Operating System.
We're experimenting with blog "top" lists this week. Hope you like.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Enemies line up to beat unreleased iPhone while Jobs fixes tofu pancakes for breakfast
Just in case you weren't sick enough of it, Newlaunches has a summary of the top competitors for Apple's iPhone, all of them previously featured in Gizmodo.
Gizmodo's coverage is hilarious and Newlaunches's list is one of the more interesting I've seen.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Windows XP Media Center Edition vs Apple TV
Microsoft hates competition, and for good reason. It's a poor competitor.Why not, indeed.
Why buy a whole new PC just to play video, photos, and music from a computer on a living room TV? Why not just buy a simple media extender relay device?
Windows Home Server vs AirPort Extreme
If you're thinking about getting a home server, why not get a new wireless router instead? Or, if you're thinking about getting a new wireless router, why not get a home server? Wait, you mean I can have both? In one device? That's easy to setup and use? And costs less than $200 (plus some hard drives)?
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Entrepreneurs profit from free Web names
"The system really doesn't work to the advantage of people who have legitimate reasons for wanting names," Frederick Felman, chief marketing officer with MarkMonitor, a brand-protection firm. "It allows people with criminal or speculative intent to dominate."
Bastards. No wonder I can't find any good domain names anymore.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
How To Prevent Daylight-Saving Time Problems On Smartphones
It's Y2K all over again! Well, not really. This time it might actually cause problems as some systems get overlooked -- like your boss's smartphone. Get busy, people.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Watches lose ground to cell phones
Nearly two-thirds of teens never wear a watch — and only about one in 10 wears one every day.
The watch is a symbol of stress for many people.... "You don't really relieve all the stress unless you get out of the world where time synchronization is so important."
So only stressed-out, old people wear watches anymore. Great.
Dear Macrovision: A Response to Responses to Steve Jobs' "Thoughts on Music"
Abandoning DRM now will unnecessarily doom all consumers....
Hahahaha. Jackasses on crack shouldn't write open letters. Be sure to read the comments.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Reading Between the Lines of Steve Jobs’s ‘Thoughts on Music’
You honestly have to wonder whether the people running the RIAA are retarded.Gruber is godlike.
Monday, February 5, 2007
Super Bowl Ad Watch: Top Spots
Friday, February 2, 2007
A Personalized Concert Calendar Built For iTunes
iConcertCal is a free iTunes plug-in that monitors your music library and generates a personalized calendar of upcoming concerts in your city. It is available for both Windows and Mac OS X.Works as advertised. Way cool.
Windows Vista: Why Nobody Cares
To sum up: Vista is a perfectly respectable new iteration of Windows. They’ve even, finally, come up with a decent way to make laptops sleep and wake up again, which XP was never very good at. The fact that it took Microsoft over five years and $6 billion dollars to create Vista is — and I mean this quite seriously — an embarrassment to the good name of American innovation, but it’s perfectly fine."An embarrassment to the good name of American innovation." Well, that pretty much sums up Microsoft most days of the week.
Thursday, February 1, 2007
I suppose we should pull down that "How to Throw an Election" PDF too, eh?
"I'm not sure which is more imbecilic -- posting a photo of the key to your electronic voting system to the Web, or making that key a universal one designed to access any machine you manufacture and the hotel mini-bar to boot."
Oh, it gets better than that. Way better. You'd think Diebold was deliberately trying to undermine support for electronic balloting, but I fail to see how that supports their business interests. This aggressive disregard for security while claiming the exact opposite is enough to make Microsoft look like, well, HP.
Putting Your 6 Degrees to Good Use
I'm not a fan of Kevin Bacon. At all. But I do admire his desire to make something useful out of his six degrees of fame. Now you can do the same, if you have a website/blog with some decent traffic and a favorite charity or five. (This might mean you, ceeelcee.)
Just pick your charity, add a photo or logo, jot down a quick testimonial, and put up a donation badge on your site. Network for Good is legit, and so, apparently, is Kevin Bacon. Way cool.