Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Get a Piece of the Thinking Rock

Having trouble keeping up with all your competing tasks and priorities? Like super nerdy ways of solving problems? Use a Mac? Have a first name of Justin? Give this method and one of the applications designed for it a try....


In a Multimedia Realm Where Book Meets Blog

Get the inside scoop on your (or anyone else's) neighborhood. "Johnson, 38, brings this same street-level awareness to his latest Web site,, which collects and displays information based on ZIP codes." (This is for you, Courtney.)


Browser Smackdown: Side-by-Side Feature Comparison

"Here's a close-up look at how Firefox 2, Internet Explorer 7, Opera 9 and Safari 2 handle key browsing features and functions."


US and Russia strike deal to close

Sorry, Juice.


Pray for Coal

Well, now that I've finally stopped laughing, I'm happy to share this holiday gift guide of the best toys of all time.


Saturday, December 9, 2006

“Man” Up Your Cell Phones

Not for the easily offended, but perfect for the girl who wants to buy her man a cell phone for Christmas. ;-)


Sunday, December 3, 2006

Digg the new iPhone?

Kevin Rose thinks he knows something about the upcoming, but yet unannounced, iPhone from Apple. "It's small as sh*t." Read on for more....
